Ladies... Make Sure U Cum 

                Today at work, I had the opportunity to talk to some of my female colleagues and after discussing relationships and intimacy, I was quick to learn that many of these ladies had rarely reached an orgasm. How could they allow this? Excuses like, “He came first and then it was over,” or “I thought something was wrong with me” were popular amongst them. While I had read stories about women who had never orgasmed in their life, I, seriously, couldn’t believe I had just come across some. I was appalled!

                  One of the things I find to being important in any kind of relationship is communication. Tell your partner what you like, what you don’t like, how to do it, etc… Get comfortable with your body and don’t be afraid to explore it because like John Mayer said, “Your body is a wonderland,” so treat it as such. When starting a relationship, getting acquainted with your partner's body is fun so enjoy the process! Claim your power and if he is done quicker than you, demand he help you climax, too. It is unfair that your partner gets satisfied but you don’t. I find that being intimate with someone is a spiritual experience, so share yourself with someone who will value and treasure what you have to give. Cherish your body, yourself, and your soul. Speak up and share what it is that you do and don't like.

                 If it takes a little bit longer for you to climax, start with some foreplay to help to get you towards your final destination. GET yours!!! Don’t be afraid to instruct him on what to do. Make him WORK, baby. Keep in mind that creativity can come in handy, especially when things start getting a little boring. Try something new like toys, edibles, or new positions. Ladies, you are beautiful beings, so make sure you cum. Don’t fake it. Claim it! OWN it!

2018 Wrapped! 

            This year has undoubtedly been one of my most challenging years EVER. The lessons I’ve learned have been extremely valuable and have made me a much wiser, stronger human being. For that, I am extremely grateful. Working nonstop was my routine for years and for the first time in my life, I took a much needed break to reflect. I invested my energy and time into activities that made me happy and in turn, rediscovered my love for the simple things. I learned to fully & truly love myself, appreciate all of who I am, and respect what it is I bring to Earth. I stopped trying to impress others and simply started living for me. As a result, I had to say goodbye to many individuals who weren’t aligning with the person I was becoming. People who were taking advantage of my kind and giving nature were released. I learned how to say no without feeling bad and how to assertively express myself without apologizing. While I didn’t release an album after consecutively doing so in the past seven years, I did introduce a few new songs and music videos I was very proud to share. I took new risks and did things differently from what had become a custom for the past years and while I did find myself at one of my lowest points in my life, I was able to successfully re-spark that fire within me after a phenomenal trip to London that once again gave me hope.

            2018 was the year I almost completely gave up music; I felt hopeless and tired of trying to open a door that just wouldn’t open up. They say, “Be grateful that certain things don’t work out. Sometimes you don’t even know what you’re being protected from or where you’re being guided to…” I had to learn how to let go. I was lost yet was able to find myself amidst the darkness and confusion by channeling all my energy into many NEW creative projects. There are lots of wonderful surprises I have in store for 2019, and I can’t wait to share what I’ve been working on for the last year and a half. I must say, this time off has probably helped me create some of my best work yet, and I look forward to growing and connecting with you even more next year! To all the beautiful people I’ve had the privilege & pleasure of meeting via work or events, thank you for your kindness and love. To those few but loyal ones that have been with me throughout my journey, thank you very much! They say that what is hard for the heart is good for the art, however, I’m ready to NEVER experience that again. 2018- you forced me to level up. 2019- I’m back bitches!

Meeting Amy... 

It was a gray and chilly October Monday morning. London had awoken. I walked out of my hotel room, hopped on my Uber, and headed towards RICH MIX in the Shoreditch art district to attend a one week Mind Your Own Business crash course organized by Amy and her staff. After being selected to attend this music event back in July, the moment had finally arrived to meet the fearlessly bold and outspoken woman I had followed for about four years now. Her accomplishing many remarkable benchmarks in a primarily male dominated industry through her incomparable strength and determination were inspiring. As an androgynous male in the business, I knew too well the meaning of working twice as hard for what you truly want in order to be taken seriously in this game. Being raised by many strong, formidable women in my family made me respect all that she’d managed to accomplish through her own will and hard work. Her honest tongue was a breath of fresh air, and I was ready to soak in the knowledge she promised to deliver, and BOY, did she deliver!

I arrived at the location and made my way towards the elevator. My royal blue lips, blue suit jacket, black tights, and 7-inch black platform heels brought color to an otherwise, dull pallet. I lined up for registration where I managed to chat with some folks who, too, had come from other parts of the world. After being provided with my badge, bag, and Virgil designed notebook for the event, I made my way towards the drinks area to fill my blue bamboo cup with coffee. Raising environmental awareness was an issue strongly prioritized in this course as was encouraging and empowering us, the coming generation of music business professionals (artist, managers, producers, promoters, etc…), to hopefully make positive, impactful changes in this world where outdated concepts currently hinder us from reaching our full potentials. It was here where I had my first encounter with the woman. Her short blond hair made her prominent beautiful eyes, strong cheekbones, and luminous, fair skin noticeable. She seemed pleasant, however, a bit guarded, or maybe it was me? After an exchange of a few words, I made my way to the room, found a seat I liked, and sat ready to learn. Class would begin soon.

It’s no secret that most people in the industry try to be politically correct and thus, tread cautiously when discussing delicate subjects. After an hour’s time in, Amy’s unfiltered delivery assured me my investment was well worth the price, and while I had attended several conferences in the past (ASCAP, NAMM, BBC Introducing, etc…), there was something magical in the air when it came to this one. Throughout the course of the week, we managed to discuss topics ranging from branding, sponsorships, marketing, business management, touring, show design, and perhaps one of the more emotionally charged ones- mental health. It was here when the class seemed to experience a breakthrough; heart strings were strummed and while many of the students shed a few tears from the stories shared, we all seemed to bond on a deeper level through one another’s vulnerability. After class concluded on this Tuesday afternoon, we all made our way to the “Red Church” pub where we managed to let our hair down, bring our faith up, and really get to know one another. Laughs, drinks, and conversations ensued. This night was easily one of the many highlights of the trip. It’s here where I came to see that even though we had all come from different walks of life, music had truly brought us to this precise moment in what seemed liked destiny. Our hunger to learn, to carve our own paths, and seek wisdom from someone we all seemed to respect unified us. As we all began to learn from one another, the, once, dying artistic fire within me seemed to, again, spark, and the challenging year that shadowed behind me seemed to fade away as hints of courage, inspiration, and strength awakened. Healing emerged.

Hangovers and all, the next day’s class ensued. Two notable speakers, Colin Tilley and Nicolas Caeyers, discussed the importance of visuals and their creation process. Being that I’m a visual artist myself, I truly found this entertaining. Other guests featured throughout the week included a Spotify representative and a former business manager of Amy’s. The one piece of advice that was shared and immediately comes to mind when it comes to business managers is: “If they have a tan, run!” While a bit complicated, the information he presented was truly valuable. Numbers, percentages, and amounts were shared to help us understand the importance of knowing and appropriately handling one’s business. It was obvious Amy was determined to make this course both informative, and one we’d never forget.

Thursday arrived, and it all seemed to be going by so fast. One week seemed too short of a length of time to spend amongst individuals who were barely getting comfortable with one another. Unfortunately, in a matter of days, we’d all be going our separate ways. Celebration called that afternoon, and so, we maneuvered our way to “BBB” - a local bar. These hangouts were always so refreshing particularly after intense days of learning new material. It was nice to connect with other individuals who equally reciprocated the enthusiasm and positivity one gave off. We all seemed to feel as if we were in a safe zone where we could count with one another’s support. There was nothing but love and positivity amongst our tribe.

The last day had arrived and unfortunately, would be cut short due to Amy having to fly out to take care of business. There was a lingering sadness in the air, but while this was the end of one chapter, excitement to begin putting to work the ideas shared in this course inspired the next. One last gathering was arranged at a nearby pop-up shop of a Dutch clothing brand called the Daily Paper, and while Amy wouldn’t be there to physically join us, she was there in spirit and in our hearts. One last time, we all sang, danced, bonded, drank, and chatted before it all came to an end. We hugged, said our goodbyes, and promised to keep in touch with one another. It was, now, when we’d all have to face the music and do something with what was learned. Time had arrived to set sail; back to reality.

What made this course so phenomenal was how truthful and transparent Amy was. The stories she shared, the vulnerability exposed, and the information presented in an intimate presentation for the students provided a wonderful rollercoaster of emotions which I loved and applauded. It showed passion, drive, and love for a craft too often exploited for the wrong reasons by money hungry corporates. It gave me hope and inspired me to continue doing what I love. It’s as if I got confirmation that I had been doing things right all along, and if I once doubted myself or my path in life, I’m now 10 fold strong and am assured I’m right where I belong. The stars had aligned and had provided me with something I had been hoping for: direction & clarity. It's true: life is a journey, not a destination. And while a part of me selfishly hopes that she doesn’t do another class again so that we’ll be the first and only ones to have had the pleasure of experiencing her first time teaching, it may be a bit unrealistic to try to prevent a brilliant mind from sharing her wisdom with others who find her just as inspiring as those of us who firsthand witnessed her lecture. What started off as a course with 150+ strangers ended up being a course where I met 150+ new comrades who were truly a RICH MIX of energies, experiences, creativity, and positivity. Thank you Amy for your wisdom, energy, and love! To everyone I had the pleasure of meeting, I’m looking forward to seeing you all grow and do phenomenal things! Truth is, we’re just getting started… The fun has just begun and while it's been two weeks since the class ended, the mental digestion of the experience has me feeling nostalgic and thankful for such an amazing blessing. Life has taught me that things that don't have a price usually end up being the most valuable. My gift to you, Amy, are these words I've written which come from my heart and were inspired by the success of events. May you have a wonderful birthday month. And this, folks, is the story of my first experience meeting Amy...

Ulises Did it First 

When it comes to trends, it’s no surprise that the LGBT community is usually way ahead of the curve. Mainstream media usually ends up adopting ideas brought forth from the depths of our community towards future campaigns. Below, I present my case (with receipts) where I've unknowingly helped start trends that have been widely incorporated into the world. Truth is, in this business, sharks who "borrow" or are "inspired" by hard-working, independent artist are prevalent and take full advantage of the creativity presented without giving due credit. My suggestion to everyone in this industry would be: copyright your work, keep your receipts, and don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. Check mine below.

  • Summer of 2014, I began branding myself through my Blue Lips and in 2017, I released my album “Blue Lipstick” to further cement my look. Fast forward to 2018 and Tom Ford is implementing “Blue Lipstick” in their beauty line by having Cardi B as the face for the product.

  • In the opening visual for “Dripping in Gold” which was released Spring of 2017, I wanted to use a Greek/Roman statue that tied it to my Greek birth name, Ulises. Fast forward to 2018 and Balmain has incorporated a similar visual for a 2018 campaign.

  • In the Spring of 2009, I released a song titled “My Swag” off of my self-produced album "Frequencies of Brilliance" where I coined the term “Saucy.” Fast forward to 2018, the term has been popularized by various celebrities via different forms of media.

  • Summer of 2011, I released my single “Spicy Jalapeno (Fresh)” off of my album “Ka” where I first used the word “Spicy” to mean hot and sassy. Fast forward to 2018 and the word is being used everywhere. As a matter of fact, Lil’ Kim even released a song titled “Spicy” summer of this year (2018.) Check them both out below.

  • Summer of 2016 I released my EP “Dripping in Gold” with it's same-named lead single. Fast forward to 2018 and Cardi B released a song titled “Drip” that was a part of her Invasion of Privacy album. Lyrically, find any similarities? Check them both out below.

  • January of 2018, I released a travel video of my Fall 2017 experience at the Louvre in Paris, France using Beyonce & Jay-Z’s song “Shining” for the background. Fast forward to summer of 2018 and Beyonce and Jay-Z release a visual for their song “Apesh**” fully recorded in the Louvre using specific locations I showcased in my video. Coincidence? Check them both out below.

  • Back in April of 2013, I wrote a blog on my website titled “I am a two spirit.” Fast forward to 2018 and singer/songwriter Jason Mraz claims to be a "two spirit" himself for having "experiences" with both genders. The true definition of a “Two Spirit” goes much deeper than that which I fully explain it via my blog.


  • Other Visual Examples

I rest my case.



At my now, thirty two … uhhmmm… I mean twenty five years of age… I find that life continually surprises me with its unexpected twists and turns. When looking a little deeper into the person that I truly am, you’ll find that just like you, I have goals, challenges, and emotions that motivate me to work harder towards creating a satisfying life. If I were to describe myself, I’d simply state that I’m a highly sensitive being who avoids drama and likes to keep my private life private. Essentially, we all want to live a happy and fulfilling life, and on my journey, I’ve learned that while we’re all handed different cards, one must learn to play to our strengths while working on our weaknesses. Sometimes we’re afraid of what people might think or how they’ll react to certain things we’ll do or say, but truth is, no one knows what you want and what makes YOU happy except you! Life even forces us to try something different at times to teach us new things. We must live it to the max!

Last year was a transformative one for me where after finding myself in unfamiliar waters, I began to question what it is that I was doing with my life. This year, I aim to be more authentic and hope to fuel all my love and passion into fulfilling projects that nourish and set my soul on fire while making a difference in people’s lives. I feel more “grown up” than I have ever felt before, but, nonetheless, still DESIRE to have a blast along the way. As to what the future holds, I’m literally just going with the flow. Thirty two revolutions around the Earth equates to 383 months, 1668 weeks, 11,680 days, 280,320 hours, 16,819,200 minutes, or 1,009,152,000 seconds of being “alive.” EVERY SECOND counts and at any moment, life can change. Guard your time fiercely. Be generous with it, but be intentional about it, because the true currency of life is time and we’ve all got a limited stock of that. I want to thank you for being a part of my journey and for putting up with my crazy, wild antics. Thank you for your continous love and support. Cheers!!!!


Brave- that’s the best way I can describe my parents who in their early teens left behind all they knew in hopes of finding better opportunities that’d help them create a better life. Honorably working their way up by always giving 110% of themselves to whatever job they committed to along their journey, sacrifices were necessary to provide my siblings and I the opportunities they never had available. We received an education, went to college, and grew up in a totally different environment from theirs. Listening to stories of how challenging their childhood, teenage, and early adult years were are hard to digest and fully comprehend. Through hard work, sweat, and tears, they built a foundation that allowed me to take risks and do all that I have been able to with my life, and for that and so much more, I’m ETERNALLY grateful. If you’ve ever met me in person, I can assure you that my kindness, drive, and work-ethic are a true reflection of who they are. If you’ve ever doubted angels existed, my parents would make you believe. Most of what I do is to make them proud and to hopefully one day, give them more than what they’ve given me. Because of the strength they’ve shown while overcoming many adversities, this month of June I CELEBRATE and thank GOD for having you as the parents who’ve guided me. And while lately immigrants have been getting a bad wrap, I truly believe that this country which was originally inhabited by many of my Native American ancestors, is blessed to have such loving individuals as my parents add onto the fabric weaved by millions of immigrants that previously came before them and helped establish this wonderful country I’m blessed to call home.


                         We live in a masculine dominated world where the feminine energy has long been submissive. I find it imperative that in order to create a harmonious life, one must balance these energies out for as evidenced by the current state of the world, the male mentality has, stubbornly, gotten us into wars, hindered negotiations, and prevented us from working together as one. The feminine touch, however, gives beauty, gentleness, empathy, and sensitivity a chance to help litigate and resolve issues that prevent the human race from progressing. Cue my entrance. In this current phase of my artistry, my whole demeanor is about celebrating the feminine energy. Not only are women extremely beautiful, but STRONG beings that help bear children, hold a household together, and beautify this planet. They’re the nurturers and the givers of the world. In conclusion, women are nothing short of amazing, and I am all about that!

                        Evolution is necessary in life, and as I analyze my artistic growth, I see how I’ve learned to pursue and embrace risks and challenges that once seemed daunting. The beauty in the art I create is that a listener or viewer gets to experience both the masculine and feminine through me, because it is who and what I am. A true artist always strives to freely express oneself and while, of course, society and the industry usually attempt to box one into a category, I’ve refused to comply. I’m an artist who creates off of feeling and emotion and right now, a need for the feminine energy is necessary to help alleviate the troubles of this world. If I can make a difference through my music and touch, then I shall. The feminine within is naturally expressing herself while beautifully dancing along with the masculine.

You are AMAZING! 

This morning I read an excerpt from an article where an Egyptian man claimed that his blood was worthless compared to other peoples in the world, and I couldn’t help but feel saddened by his perception for he couldn’t be further from the truth. While I DON’T know this man personally, I knew he was EGYPTIAN- a land RICH in history with GREAT pharaohs and kings that reigned and created amazing things throughout time. I’ve been to this BEAUTIFUL country of his and have seen with my own eyes an unbound potential for growth and prosperity. Unfortunately, certain circumstances in life have, perhaps, made it challenging for him to live a life he wishes to have, however, he’s not invaluable to my eyes. If only he believed in his own potential and the richness he contained within his being. There are many priceless things that not even money could buy or bring, and with every passing day, an abundant amount of undeniable pain ever so present in today's world urges us to collectively attempt to HEAL by pushing to see ourselves as equals and not inferior to one another or ourselves be it for one’s skin, religious beliefs, sexuality, social class, age, etc… We’re all human and for better or worse, together in the same boat. Can you imagine what we’d be capable of doing were we to work together instead of against one another? I’ve always stated that there is richness in diversity and power in unity. We must invest in education, share equal rights, and transition from a fossil fuel burning planet to one where energy efficiency reigns. Famine in today’s world should be illegal being that we have all the capabilities in the world to end this ongoing battle. I wish people would put their political beliefs, greed, and religious perceptions aside so as a human race, we could propel each other to reach our ultimate potential. An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. Everyone is fighting their own battles, and if we could just be a little bit nicer and understanding towards one another, this world would be so positively different.

Through my travels I’ve been able to witness and see that we all share similar problems. The one main difference defining our circumstances is our environment and unegotiable predicaments. REMEMBER- YOU ARE AMAZING. Believe and become it! How wonderful is that while you’re alive, you have the opportunity to everyday work towards building something new and different in this world. IF, for some reason, those changes you wish to see have not been implemented or adapted yet, perhaps it’s your destiny to change it and do something about the situation. I really wanted to remind you that you are special, loved, and appreciated. Peace and blessings to everyone. Let's work together to progressively create better days for all of the human race!


You are not alone.

Like you, many others are going through similar situations. I’ve discovered that life throws them at you to not only help build your character and strength, but also, to help you understand others and prepare you with these lessons that will aid you in your prospective future. Blessings in disguise.

You are not alone.

I, too, have felt similar pain, but what beauty and richness these moments, you’ll later find, contain. They inspire you to take action and encourage you to do something different to never again feel the same pain.

You are not alone.

You are human and it’s ok to feel, but you MUST FEEL. Don’t dodge the rush of emotions; vulnerability is a beautiful thing most humans are capable of experiencing. Don't fear.

You are not alone.

If you need help, all you need to do is speak and let the world know. In this journey, you can receive if you quiet your ego and let those walls built come crumbling down.


You are beautiful and unique; don’t ever let others make you feel inferior to what you know and believe. See the greatness in what you bring.


If there is one thing I can do for you is tell you that in this journey, it will all get better soon. You have a friend in me, and I hope that together we can bring into this world a rain of golden positivity. Remember: YOU… ARE… NOT… ALONE.


What Moves U? 


 It’s said that in order to lead a happy, fulfilling life, one must nurture those things that move our soul. Recently I’ve been unlearning things I’ve been taught by society along the way and trying to get to know myself a bit more to truly UNDERSTAND who I am so I can attain my ultimate potential and help give the best of me to the world. I had to go back to being that mischievous, little kid who knew no harm and ugliness in the world; I dug deep and this is what I found.

My passions include:

  1. Learning
  2. Music
  3. Languages
  4. Travelling
  5. Nature
  6. Family & Friends
  7. Innovating & Creating
  8. Food & Fitness
  9. Art & Fashion
  10. Helping & Empowering People
  11. Love
  12. Laughing

Because I’ve had the opportunity to travel to various, beautiful cities and countries around the world, I’ve come to understand the fragility of our planet. I attempt to bring consciousness to how humans impact the world and how we must aim to create harmony and balance to preserve nature’s beauty. Personally, I recycle, try to reduce my carbon footprint, and aim to be more energy efficient. I embrace the future and am excited about what’s to come. Technology now a days is moving so fast that in my mind, we should be living in a “Jetsons” kind of world. I love to think of the possibility of us transforming Earth into a much more efficient, peaceful, and cooperative planet. I love to learn new words in languages I come across when travelling. I love how music makes me feel. I LOVE to learn new things. Empowering and helping people is soul satisfying. Innovating and creating things that help inspire and bring positive change feels amazing. I love to swim and hike. Fitness and eating healthy is more about treasuring and respecting the one body I’ve been assigned to more than anything else. Food is such a unifying experience that brings family, friends, and strangers together through teachings and recipes our ancestors have passed along. Food is like medicine for the body. Art & fashion are always fun to explore, and a good laugh is always good for the soul. This is what moves me. Now my question to you is: What moves you?



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