2018 Wrapped!

            This year has undoubtedly been one of my most challenging years EVER. The lessons I’ve learned have been extremely valuable and have made me a much wiser, stronger human being. For that, I am extremely grateful. Working nonstop was my routine for years and for the first time in my life, I took a much needed break to reflect. I invested my energy and time into activities that made me happy and in turn, rediscovered my love for the simple things. I learned to fully & truly love myself, appreciate all of who I am, and respect what it is I bring to Earth. I stopped trying to impress others and simply started living for me. As a result, I had to say goodbye to many individuals who weren’t aligning with the person I was becoming. People who were taking advantage of my kind and giving nature were released. I learned how to say no without feeling bad and how to assertively express myself without apologizing. While I didn’t release an album after consecutively doing so in the past seven years, I did introduce a few new songs and music videos I was very proud to share. I took new risks and did things differently from what had become a custom for the past years and while I did find myself at one of my lowest points in my life, I was able to successfully re-spark that fire within me after a phenomenal trip to London that once again gave me hope.

            2018 was the year I almost completely gave up music; I felt hopeless and tired of trying to open a door that just wouldn’t open up. They say, “Be grateful that certain things don’t work out. Sometimes you don’t even know what you’re being protected from or where you’re being guided to…” I had to learn how to let go. I was lost yet was able to find myself amidst the darkness and confusion by channeling all my energy into many NEW creative projects. There are lots of wonderful surprises I have in store for 2019, and I can’t wait to share what I’ve been working on for the last year and a half. I must say, this time off has probably helped me create some of my best work yet, and I look forward to growing and connecting with you even more next year! To all the beautiful people I’ve had the privilege & pleasure of meeting via work or events, thank you for your kindness and love. To those few but loyal ones that have been with me throughout my journey, thank you very much! They say that what is hard for the heart is good for the art, however, I’m ready to NEVER experience that again. 2018- you forced me to level up. 2019- I’m back bitches!