Kelis was here…

6 years later and our paths have, once again, crossed. This past Friday, Kelis came by the DFW area to promote her delicious “Bounty & Full” spices and I must say, it was a glorious day! Not only has she grown so much as a human being in the last few years, but she’s also shifted her attention from the artistry of music to cuisine. A clear passion and love for food was evident as I approached her station inside my local Central Market as she happily handed out samples of dishes she had prepared while passionately explaining details and ingredients contained in each portion. As I approached the counter with two CD’s in hand which I had bought years ago, my heart palpitated like never before. I was so nervous, yet excited and couldn’t wait to give her a hug and show her how much I REALLY admired her. I’ve always loved the fact that she’s been so fearless and independent, always marching to the beat of her own drum. She’s such a strong, smart, bold woman, and I love that about her. Not to mention, her raspy voice is EVERYTHING. As I approached her station, she welcomed me with a smile and couldn’t have been ever so gracious and warm. I quickly engaged in small talk where I mentioned to her that she seemed as if she was in a great place in her life to which she happily confirmed. She was exuding such great vibes and I felt them. I even asked her if there was any new music to which one could look forwards to; she responded that she was taking a brief hiatus from music and focusing her attention on what was one of her biggest passions: food. I asked her if she wouldn’t mind autographing my CD’s and taking a picture with me to which she said, “No, not at all.” Last time I had seen her was when she ensued on her "Fleshtones" promotional tour by performing at a club called Plush in Downtown Dallas to which, of course, I went and captured the footage below. Being that 6 years had transpired since that event, you could imagine my excitement. After she handed me the autographed albums and took a picture with me, I handed her my business card and told her I’d LOVE to work with her on some music. It’s always been a dream of mine to create something SIZZLING HOT and delicious like her dishes for her. I want to see her top the charts once more. I REALLY think the best of Kelis is yet to come, and I’m so excited for her. I just hope that I can musically be a part of that ‘cause my cooking would be no match to hers. 

APRIL 10, 2010

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