Spanish Gastronomy

Whether it’s sitting at the table or enjoying tapas, eating in Spain is a pleasure due to the culinary universe that offers a variety of options ranging from fried dishes, fishes, meats, or legumes. Let’s take a stroll through the provinces where I had the delight of tasting their traditional plates.



In Sevilla, the king of plates is the “Gazpacho” which is elaborated entirely with vegetables and olive oil (aka green gold due to the quality and benefits it contains for the human body.) Garbanzos and vegetables (Puchero), snails, eggs “a la flamenca,” and the “Tortilla de Patata are also other close favorites of the Sevillanos.


The best gastronomical reference that represents Cordoba would be the “Salmorejo” which consists of tomato, green pepper, olive oil, garlic, vinegar, and salt splashed with a little bit of ham and boiled eggs. Truly delicious! I must confess: I had this plate twice!


Granada is a privileged city where five Mediterranean climates converge providing one with an opportunity of trying dishes ranging from the “Tortilla Sacromonte,” “Esparragos de Huetor Tajar” to its delicacies like the “Piononos del Rey.”


In 2017, Huelva was nominated as the gastronomical, Spanish capital of the year. Due to it’s geographic location, we can enjoy everything from fish to the very popular and famous “Jamon Iberico” or as the locals would call it “Jamon de Pata Negra.” The Iberian porcine is a race of pigs that predominates the south of Andalucia and lives in a totally natural habitat of meadows where they feed off the acorns of the holm oak titled “bellotas.” Its meat MUST be placed in mountain ranges capable of naturally air drying it for at least two years (the good quality ones.) Plus, doctors' recommend it to patients with high cholesterol due to its high quality meat. Definitely a must try even if it's once, and you’re not a meat eater like me.


Valencia houses the long revered, world famous Spanish dish known as the Paella which contains rice and seafood as its main ingredients. If travelling to this city, this delicious plate is a must have as it is recognized by many as Spain's national dish. Going here and not tasting this savory entree in the place where many scholars claim it originated from would be crime. Definitely a MUST try!! 

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