Indie Gogo Campaign: NEW ALBUM 8.8.18

For the past couple of months, I’ve been recording and writing non-stop and have compiled an AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS set of new songs which I can’t wait to share. This go round, I have the opportunity to work with TOP Hollywood mixers (who have worked with the likes of Justin Bieber, Sia, Kelis, Major Lazer, Kanye West, Lady Gaga, etc…) who will contribute to the creation of this NEW album. However, all this has a price and that’s where I’d like to solicit your help. I’ve created an Indie Gogo campaign where different rewards are available for your contribution. My goal is to use any provided financial help for Mixing & Mastering, Marketing, and Lawyers’ fees. There are many EXCITING ideas I’d like to bring to life with your support and the GOOD news is: I’ll be able to employ SEVERAL other artists which is always really wonderful and soul satisfying. This album is the first HUGE step I’ve taken as an artist since quitting my 10-year relationship with corporate America May of last year. After this, I will finally have a tangible representation of all the hard work I’ve put into making music I love throughout the years. I want to connect with other people who may feel as if they don’t belong whether it be for their race, sexuality, ideas, etc... and furthermore, prove the naysayers and haters wrong. If, however, this is not an option for you, I’ve also opened up a digital store here on my website which features AMAZING ULISES swag. If you’re a little tight on money, but would love to help, check out my Spotify page and listen to over 11 albums worth of tunes. Every time you listen to my music on this wonderful platform, I get paid a few cents. With time, it adds up and well, like in any presidential campaign, it all helps. Furthermore, feel free to share my music and or social media handles with other folks. While I know August is still a few months away, it gives me time to prepare and organize this new album campaign and hustle till I have the acquired the funds to propel it into existence and give it the proper marketing it deserves. Being an independent artist requires one being the full-time artist, full-time office, and full-time team while keeping the enthusiasm, drive, and creativity afloat. Whether it’s $1 or $1000, you are treasured by me. Your voice is being heard loud and clear, and I will remain eternally appreciative and grateful for any support you can lend to this campaign.


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