You are not alone.

Like you, many others are going through similar situations. I’ve discovered that life throws them at you to not only help build your character and strength, but also, to help you understand others and prepare you with these lessons that will aid you in your prospective future. Blessings in disguise.

You are not alone.

I, too, have felt similar pain, but what beauty and richness these moments, you’ll later find, contain. They inspire you to take action and encourage you to do something different to never again feel the same pain.

You are not alone.

You are human and it’s ok to feel, but you MUST FEEL. Don’t dodge the rush of emotions; vulnerability is a beautiful thing most humans are capable of experiencing. Don't fear.

You are not alone.

If you need help, all you need to do is speak and let the world know. In this journey, you can receive if you quiet your ego and let those walls built come crumbling down.


You are beautiful and unique; don’t ever let others make you feel inferior to what you know and believe. See the greatness in what you bring.


If there is one thing I can do for you is tell you that in this journey, it will all get better soon. You have a friend in me, and I hope that together we can bring into this world a rain of golden positivity. Remember: YOU… ARE… NOT… ALONE.


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